Curious things that happen during…

What make people know and what make people grow….(?)…being! Beautiful things happen during life and curious too. Few days ago I had a nice insight during my break walk over at work. What makes us do the things we want to change in our life? What is the key factor that push us to ignore what we want to change and dwell in what we define as mistake, bad habits, wrong behavior (what ever that mean to you)?

First of all we need to practice space and practicing space does not mean blowing your self up but to be still. Being still mean practicing meditation which allow you to put a pause into your life and bring that great space into your life. A space that is so sacred that you almost forgot. When you fist came into this world you were so small, so tiny that they have barely discovered the way to see that tiny part of the human semen. You where there! You didn’t ask too much, just this small space full of opportunities. This small space that provided everything that you are now and everything that you will ever be in this life, is all that you need to be the greatest ever. You just need to remember that way to come back to your smaller/greatest moment here. That tiny spark is still there, shining like a star in the sky..because this is what we all are..tiny/great stars. Have you ever wonder how does stars sees us? :)) we are more then 7 billion sparks in the same place, my God that must be the greatest firework EVER!!!

Practicing this space is making us more and more aware, more grounded and more creative. We develop a way, our way which does not fit in any other way. It must be practice in silence and in sincerity, meaning in what ever state you are acknowledge it is be aware of it. Look at you as you are, but more then seeing your self feel your self. Feel what you feel and create the true relationship that must be created because is the bond between you and your Creator. So here we reached a point where not many of us could be aware of. We hear some voices inside our heads, maybe some of the people had ignored their voices so deep that when they hear something they go to doctors. Think they are crazy, some of them do not want to hear their true voice. They are all scared of them selves and try to create enemies outside of them, as people, as race, as look, as smell, as anything that creates division and make the illusion we created to fit is someone else world and wants and needs! They are actually ashamed so bad that they created this illusion called fear. But all this was done as a test for your greatest good ever. We were all programmed to be someone else, we were all sold stories about others, we were obligated to learn poems, and situations and dates. We were all given grades for which one learn someone else story better and tell it exactly == wow!! incredible… and in this way, many years we cultivate inside ourselves a person which does not exists and forget to go inside ourselves, we go there only by learning something that is not us, overwriting the true Us.

With time, slowly is created an individual that is receptive to what ever comes from outside of him (as he lived all his childhood try to pleasing others and trying to comply with the requirements and comparisons of their parents ), if it sounds good and has a bit of “logic” inside well go ahead whit it..people are so childish sometimes..most of the times and yet we ask ourselves what make us do the things we don’t what to do? I would say that are too many to make you busy right now and we would cover toooo much space in WordPress so I would gladly recommend you to go and sit silently in your room. Sit as sincere as you can with the complete desire that you want to be better in all that you are. Go there alone, meaning that you need to forgive and forget all that you consider wrong in you and then forgive all that you consider as you enemies, and then the ones you consider they harmed you in any way. And then forgive the world, forgive the one you consider as a you neighbor, as stranger and foreigner. Forgive the wars and forgive the fear, forgive the envy! Then go empty as you are and listen what you are and what you feel. And listen and love yourself. Here you practice space and whit the time you will be able to practice space in everything you do. This sacred space will bring you distance between you and everything there is in your present life until you realize that there are things you need and things there are no longer serving you. This space will bring everything you need and all your true desires, you just need to practice is as much as you can. As it been said and as it is lived. there will be a time when you will not “do” anymore meditation or space…the meditation will practice you. Isn’t it beautiful? The full awareness that you are practicing the gift of life… I

I can assure that practicing space in your life will bring you many blessings and virtue and as I realized from practicing my life is that we, all of us are already virtuous and full of blessings. We are already wise and enlightened we just not focus on it, we play a game of “who am I?”. I can tell you for sure that by words..there are no words to define you as you are and there is only the way of feeling. Who you are and what you know about yourself will always change, will always get bigger, older, …you will always change. We need to start the correct way and this way is by feel who you are and feeling who you are will bring you what you are, what you need…the dream you came with!

Have fun!

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