Curious things that happen during…

What make people know and what make people grow….(?)…being! Beautiful things happen during life and curious too. Few days ago I had a nice insight during my break walk over at work. What makes us do the things we want to change in our life? What is the key factor that push us to ignore what we want to change and dwell in what we define as mistake, bad habits, wrong behavior (what ever that mean to you)?

First of all we need to practice space and practicing space does not mean blowing your self up but to be still. Being still mean practicing meditation which allow you to put a pause into your life and bring that great space into your life. A space that is so sacred that you almost forgot. When you fist came into this world you were so small, so tiny that they have barely discovered the way to see that tiny part of the human semen. You where there! You didn’t ask too much, just this small space full of opportunities. This small space that provided everything that you are now and everything that you will ever be in this life, is all that you need to be the greatest ever. You just need to remember that way to come back to your smaller/greatest moment here. That tiny spark is still there, shining like a star in the sky..because this is what we all are..tiny/great stars. Have you ever wonder how does stars sees us? :)) we are more then 7 billion sparks in the same place, my God that must be the greatest firework EVER!!!

Practicing this space is making us more and more aware, more grounded and more creative. We develop a way, our way which does not fit in any other way. It must be practice in silence and in sincerity, meaning in what ever state you are acknowledge it is be aware of it. Look at you as you are, but more then seeing your self feel your self. Feel what you feel and create the true relationship that must be created because is the bond between you and your Creator. So here we reached a point where not many of us could be aware of. We hear some voices inside our heads, maybe some of the people had ignored their voices so deep that when they hear something they go to doctors. Think they are crazy, some of them do not want to hear their true voice. They are all scared of them selves and try to create enemies outside of them, as people, as race, as look, as smell, as anything that creates division and make the illusion we created to fit is someone else world and wants and needs! They are actually ashamed so bad that they created this illusion called fear. But all this was done as a test for your greatest good ever. We were all programmed to be someone else, we were all sold stories about others, we were obligated to learn poems, and situations and dates. We were all given grades for which one learn someone else story better and tell it exactly == wow!! incredible… and in this way, many years we cultivate inside ourselves a person which does not exists and forget to go inside ourselves, we go there only by learning something that is not us, overwriting the true Us.

With time, slowly is created an individual that is receptive to what ever comes from outside of him (as he lived all his childhood try to pleasing others and trying to comply with the requirements and comparisons of their parents ), if it sounds good and has a bit of “logic” inside well go ahead whit it..people are so childish sometimes..most of the times and yet we ask ourselves what make us do the things we don’t what to do? I would say that are too many to make you busy right now and we would cover toooo much space in WordPress so I would gladly recommend you to go and sit silently in your room. Sit as sincere as you can with the complete desire that you want to be better in all that you are. Go there alone, meaning that you need to forgive and forget all that you consider wrong in you and then forgive all that you consider as you enemies, and then the ones you consider they harmed you in any way. And then forgive the world, forgive the one you consider as a you neighbor, as stranger and foreigner. Forgive the wars and forgive the fear, forgive the envy! Then go empty as you are and listen what you are and what you feel. And listen and love yourself. Here you practice space and whit the time you will be able to practice space in everything you do. This sacred space will bring you distance between you and everything there is in your present life until you realize that there are things you need and things there are no longer serving you. This space will bring everything you need and all your true desires, you just need to practice is as much as you can. As it been said and as it is lived. there will be a time when you will not “do” anymore meditation or space…the meditation will practice you. Isn’t it beautiful? The full awareness that you are practicing the gift of life… I

I can assure that practicing space in your life will bring you many blessings and virtue and as I realized from practicing my life is that we, all of us are already virtuous and full of blessings. We are already wise and enlightened we just not focus on it, we play a game of “who am I?”. I can tell you for sure that by words..there are no words to define you as you are and there is only the way of feeling. Who you are and what you know about yourself will always change, will always get bigger, older, …you will always change. We need to start the correct way and this way is by feel who you are and feeling who you are will bring you what you are, what you need…the dream you came with!

Have fun!

Fasting & sport

What is fasting and what are you are doing when we are making sport? Well fasting is something that the churches and all types of religions in this world applies in their..cult. This is what I knew and I was many years away from it as considering it a “thing” for religious fanatics, saints… and Jesus 🙂 As many more things, I realized with the time that is another label used by society to freeze the “thing” and that is not a “thing” made only by some fanatics or saint or weird people. I read about fasting in some books which I will provide also to you and is something very special is happening when we do “fast”. The most important information that is always with me is that when we do not eat the body heals himself. He always does that BUT when we are fasting we are actually leave the body off the digestion part and he focus on burning fat if there is and repairs the damage parts. To say it somehow is like shooting down some organs as the stomach, liver and focus all energy in recovery. By reading and seeing all the documentaries and contemplating on my life I observed that the human body is fantastically biomechanic machine. A divine machine that act as a vehicle of the Soul. Only on cutting you hand and see that absolutely instantly it starts to close, with the time the blood coagulates himself so special straight where the wound is so it could not affect the rest of the body. You do not need to do anything special maybe just to wash the wound. The nature heals herself naturally as the season pass and come again. Fasting helps by healing the body from inside out. Is a sort of natural rise of the body vibrations and activate the connection with the Earth energy as the body does not develop any special substance to digest whatever we eat. The body is silent. As you meditate in this state you will discover a very pleasant sensation of peace, of being …you will sink in and will drive you deep inside you own sets of knowledge. Is beautiful!

The power of our body that it express it it depends only on your Aspiration. As the Sun rise up and goes down leaving the sweet Moon to shine in the silence of night or as the image in the mirror shows to us that everything that we believe of ourselves is changing and nothing stays as it is forever, we can chose to say that is an illusion or that the is a constant change that allows us to create more beautiful moments and know more aspects of our own self. We are lucky that everything is constantly changing and as like love to say the only permanence is the non-permanent, this is what its allowing us to grow and to heal. Be aware about this fact and will lead you to self knowledge to wisdom which is knowledge in motion. We need Great Aspiration to lead our life meaning that we need to know all our abilities, individual ones…each one of us should experience a better “I” .. a better day, a better house, a better job..but until we do not know the best “I Am” we lose ourselves in these society details. Our great aspiration should be permanent, our wish to dwell in our state of being and to know who we are.

Nowadays I saw that fasting is becoming a trend in sport. Is called something like intermediate fasting and as I understood, the body in these eating habits we have to eat 3 times a day or maybe more with all shakes and stuff does not have time to have a relaxing state in which the leaver can eliminate some special substance and the stomach also have a time off. Is tricky to use all the terms by I shall search the TED Talk and you should get all the information from there. Doing this intermediate fasting your body is burning fats by making this so called starving. Doing so I think every individual should be very aware of what he is eating because IT NEEDS to be complete the meals when occurs. As I understood there are some windows in which the person could eat 1 or more meals strategically divided to ingest all the nutrients. I recommend organic food as much as possible and if you eat meat try not to ( see all effects on your body and the suffering that develops this way of life) or I suggest that he could eat small animals as birds and fishes. Is about that all the animals have heart chakras and when they die they die with fear inside and this is transmitted besides all the other parts regarding the health care and stuff.

I hope you find this information useful and feel free to ask any question 🙂 Thank you for your attention!

Importanta visului

Buna ziua oameni buni..o zi frumoasa de Luni in care am reusit sa ma trezesc mai devreme decat de obicei fapt ce a dus la o frumoasa meditatie. Este bine si foarte sanatos pentru trup si minte sa incepem ziua cu constiinta de sine si a lasa tumultul zilelor de lucru sa isi ocupe locul in momentul respectiv.

Vreau sa va vorbesc astazi despre importanta visului in viata omului. Cand ma refer la vis ma refer la un lucru personal la care sa lucrezi si sa creezi. Sa iti pui propia ta imaginatie si valoare, poate ca iti place sa desenezi sau sa ajuti oamenii in diferite domenii..sau poate iti place doar sa ajuti. Poate ai idei si nu reusesti sa iti faci timp sa le pui in practica….sau o mare idee de business. Ceva care te face sa te simti emotionat atunci cand te gandesti la cum il faci…ceva ce te umple de bucurie gandindu-te sa il creezi. Iti place dansul si tot amani clasele sau o poate vrei sa fii chiar profesor? Visul acela este inceputul implinirii prezentei tale aici – acum! Importanta trairii visului este atat de importanta incat nu realizam efectele asupra bunastarii noastre. Este pur si simplu o infometare a sufletului si uscarea trupului ce aduce atat de multe probleme. Am ajuns sa le denumim frumos toate simptomele reprimarii adevaratului nostru sine incat chiar credem ca este o nesansa a genelor trupului nostru si ne-am impovarat cu stress acut, ulcer pe sistem nervos sau alte denumiri mai putin placute cu care din pacate am devenit toti atat de obisnuiti. Boala si stresul au ajuns sa conduca viata din perioade din ce in ce mai fragede si in clipa in care se intampla o vindecare instanta a unui pacient sau insusi pacientul practica ceea ce numesc ei “medicina alternativa” – ceea ce este defapt adevaratul mod de a trata – se gandesc ca este o intamplare unica. Oamenii de stiinta o vad anomalie iar oamenii de rand o vad o minune de la Dumnezeu. Cu adevarat este o minune ca oricare alt fapt din fiecare moment si cu adevarat vine de la Dumnezeu dar nu de undeva departe ci chiar acolo in interiorul tau unde visul inca traieste. Acolo unde stii cine esti!

Importanta exprimarii bucuriei tale este foarte importanta in aceasta lume si faptul ca identitatea ne-a fost furata este faptul ce duce la imbatranirea noastra prematura si plina de durere pana la moarte. Nu zic ca batranetea nu exista si la fel nici moarte dar simt ca nu este ceea ce trebuie sa fie … exprimarea visului duce la o crestere constanta a propiei individualitati, aduce cunoastere de sine si dorinta de a cunoaste noi laturi ale tale. Duce la acceptare de sine, iubire si vindecare adevarata. O data ce relatia cu tine insuti este buna si plina de bucuria exprimarii propiei prezente in acest minunat Univers relatia cu oricare alt om se tranforma intr-o sarbatoare. Nu trebuie sa ne asteptam ca totul sa fie perfect pentru ca in magia contrastului sta cunoasterea de sine si noi cai de a trai binele si de a-l exprima fata de altii. Doar cunoscand binele il putem exprima altora si cu cat experimentam mai multa bucurie si iubire, creatie personala si dezvoltare personala, cu atat suntem mai buni si mai deschisi fata de cei din jurul nostru. Binele ne transforma in bine dar asta nu te face slab om bun, multi fug si se adancesc in boala si invidie din cauza faptului ca au invatat indirect ca bunatatea este slaba si poti fi inslavit dar neexperimentand-o te face chiar mai slab insclavindu-te in propria moarte lenta. Cu adevarat bunatatea te face puternic … te face atat de puternic incat vei face bine oricand si oriunde si indiferent!! Si te va face atat de puternic incat trupul si vocea si spiritul nu iti vor da pace atunci cand vei vedea un lucru nedrept. Da asta face bunatatea si nu va fie frica de Bine si de Iubire si de exprimarea bucuriei voastre caci va vor purta atat de departe incat orice situatie aducatoare de orice effect nedoarit se va dizolva in prezenta voastra. Fii bun si practica ceea ce iti place si accepta-te asa cum esti pentru ca Acum este clipa in care se intampla totul. Acum ne nastem si tot Acum murim dar nu am fost invatati sa ne oprim si sa reflectam, oricum este mult spus … pentru ca majoritatea nu stiu cine sunt. Am fost obisnuiti de “devenim si sa dobandim” pentru a putea Fi…indirect – psihologic vorbind – nu putem Fi pana nu devenim sau avem un anume ceva – propiiele noastre convingeri/ credinte fiind divizate si ce se contrazic intre ele creaza propia inchisoare condusa de propiul Ego transformat intr-un Director Doctor nebun – ceea ce este total neadevarat fata de propia nostra fiinta. Idea este ca putem devenii orice dorim sa fim, putem devenii orice ne putem imagina si ne face inima sa tresalte de nevoie doar de acceptarea ta!

Fa-ti timp pentru tine si creaza timp in care sa exprimi bucati din visul tau, transforma acele momente in momente unice de magie. Poti inchide ochii si poti medita, poti avea o mare uimire cate informatii iti pot venii atunci stai .. fa-ti timp si fa ce-ti place!


Dormind treaz – traiesti dormind

Se spune ca pana nu ajungi sa vezi trecutul ca pe o binecuvantare nu vei reusi sa traiesti prezentul. Trecutul trebuie inteles si trebuie acceptat pentru a ne lasa sa actionam din intreg..din lipiturile facute din tot puzzel’ul trecutului..din Unu’. Este usor sa traiesti si sa nu realizezi ca traiesti chiar o poveste din multe alte povesti…este usor sa uitam ca am fost niste copii frumosi ce doream doar sa ne jucam si sa fim fericiti. Este in schimb foarte greu sa ne trezim din aceste povesti spuse cu mare atentie pentru a ne inlantui bine in concepte peste concepte fara a ne mai lasa o mica portita de a vedea acea inocenta pura ce inca mai dainuie in fiecare dintre noi. Dormim treji mergand pe strada dornici sa ne aruncam cu prima ocazie in pat si sa traim dormind : “imi place sa dorm”. Inca in perioada in care eram asa de puri incat nu puteam intelege “rautatea” am fost introdusi intr-un sistem ce a rupt mici bucatele din noi si le-au aruncat ca pe un lucru nefolositor. Au reprimat emotii si vise si au lasat drama fiecarei dureri nedescrisa – de ce simt eu toate astea? –

Cand dormi treaz – traiesti dormind si traiesti refugiat undeva departe, poate trecut sau un viitor putin probabil unde totul se schimba brusc si aproape ca esti buimac. Ignorant de propia natura traiesti refugiat in vise, ele iti guverneaza viata tragandu-te in adancurile subconstientului precum calaul la ghilotina. Parca speriat si chiar ingrozit eviti sa inchizi ochii constient pentru a intra in meditatie mahniti probabil de nepasarea pe care ti-ai aratat-o ani la randul. De aceea traiesti in vise si te trezesti mai obosit decat te-ai culcat. Pentru ca ai fost indemnat sa alegi false idealuri si sa arunci mici sclipiri din suflet la gunoi, ai ales sa fii ca altii decat sa fii tu…ai ales sa razi cand altul plangea…pentru ca ai fost indemnat sa arunci dorintele departe si emotiile ti-au fost reprimate si absolut nimic nu ti-a fost explicat…au fost aruncate in subconstient, in vise si le lasi sa tipe!

Aceste emotii, dorinte creaza un spatiu al lor unde se traiesc dar vor sa fie texprimate de creatorul lor – Tu! Te trag la somn sau la boala doar pentru a fii privite. Nu trebuie sa iti fie frica sa inchizi ochii! Prin meditatie prin acceptare si iertare de sine..visul devine realitate si realitatea devii tu..sau Una cu Realitatea. Toata substanta realitatii adinioara obosita si monotona ce parea mereu statica se transforma in calitatea unui vis continuu in care mereu tu ai fost eroul. Tu esti visatorul…tu esti imaginatia, creatorul din imaginatie…doar intrand in contact cu tine insuti, doar incepand sa meditezi incepi sa te descoperi in unicul tau mod si asa poti creea un vis frumos..un vis pentru care ai venit aici si acum. Doar asa vei fi fericit! Doar cu acordul tau poti crea vise frumoase…dar tot cu acordul tau creezi tot ceea ce nu iti doresti. Este atat de simplu incat nu multa lume vede..multi simt, multora le place ce aud in timp ce altora le displace atat de tare incat nu realizeaza in ce drame sunt bagati de propiul ego. In acest fel cad in calitatea haotica a viselor in care parca totul este scapat de sub controlul nostru – uneori in somn se viseaza ca sunt urmariti…de la un cadru la altul de parca nu am avea nici un impact. Noi suntem impactul si daca fugim in somn fugim de noi insine…de maretia noastra si frica nu este decat o frica de a pierde ceea ce credem ca suntem, de ceea ce sistemul a incercat sa creeze. Frica este o emotie normala pe care au trasformat-o in cel mai mare dusman al omului. Au smuls fiecare emotie si le-au denumit categorisindu-le ca bune sau rele..dar cine traieste viata observand si intrebandu-se observa ca nimic nu poate fi categorisit pentru ca una rea te poate ajuta sa fie bine si una mult prea buna poate duce la uitare de sine si egoism fata de aproapte. In aceasta viata orice te poate salva sau dobora! De multe ori dupa barajul fricii sta cel mai mare dar al omului in cauza… ne este frica de frica si ne-am imaginat-o in atatea forme!

Dupa practica meditatiei si inceperea trairii constiente tu devii realitatea. Toate invataturile ne retusate educa discipolul catre sine dar este chiar atat de dificil sa observam ca totul se intampla in noi cu ochii inchisi si in felul nostru? Cu timpul simti ca tu esti Realitatea, esti treaz si dormi doar pentru a te odihni si visezi dar calitatea viselor se transforma. Prin meditatie incepem sa practicam ceea ce ne face impliniti si facem pace cu trecutul nostru, ne intelegem si incepem sa ii intelegem si pe multe ori fara cuvine. Emotiile si dorintele tinute prizoniere se elibereaza si te imputernicesc..te intregesti. Ceea ce numim vise de multe ori sunt proiectii astrale, cateva categorii de vise fiind in general. Daca esti inca adormit esti haituit de propiile proiectii neacceptate sau netraite.

Este nevoie de meditatie si de observare tot timpul. O sa ne lovim de judecata ce trebuie observata …judecata este motivul pentru care noi am ales sa suprimam un vis, o emotie…creaza la randul ei proiectii pentru a se mentine in jocul vietii.

The Fragmented Beliefs and the returning to One

Today I had a wonderful insight during the shower. As I am in vacation and I am visited by some relatives  I observe a lot the patterns of their lives, of the way they think and act…their usual behavior and phrases or slangs that they commonly use to interact or to express their own .. interior living. I act in this moment naturally without trying to do so … is just like an auto focus from the camera 🙂 Since my awakening I am still re-adjusting myself and putting myself in “order” and I find myself feeling what the other people is feeling and many times seeing the intention from the behind of each words of any person. I observe myself many time feeling sad or frustrated that people are not that sincere or they are like hiding themselves behind strange ways of expressing what they want .. many time suggesting something or making a point about a thing related on what they would like you to do for or with them. I am just feeling that they are making circles around what they want to actually say to you. I am feeling that and all sort of stuff … besides these interactions with their background I am also seeing some pattern which I cannot translate in word YET ( usually I find it easy after few days) but I am feeling strong emotions and getting a sort of inner understanding together with a beautiful Joy.

In this way it came to me some while ago these layers of beliefs that we have gathered during our lives that usually contract each others and make us stuck in everything we want to enjoy. I can understand now in this moment why we are living in past .. as we got all wrong information about who we are we are  unconsciously searching for the meaning of it 🙂 we are always making choices according to our past experiences and many times we are even afraid to make new choices because of the fear that the Ego generates in order to protect himself for “something that might be dangerous”. Is a system that any living creature that was living as a subject to wrong intention and misguided will apply as a way to survive. My point is that the Ego is not evil and that he wants to survive as it is without any change ever..he needs to be trained, disciplined and learned. He need to Integrate the new beliefs. With these wrong beliefs we made for ourselves a cocoon that surround the real you. You have been so wrapped up in so many conflictive beliefs that that you need to conjugate every decision you take … and in this way you are already to far away of what you really feel and what is really in need for you. The real voice of you is not heard because she speaks slowly…melodiously and it can be heard only in silence and in your pure joy of beingness.

Let me give you some examples … as we get born we are pure joy, just imagine that..pure energy full of innocence wisdom fresh without being able to express as the ordinary already born does. After he gets old it starts to learn stuff and gather beliefs as boys and girls, good and evils…rich and poor…saints and sinners … sins and there are many sins and also there are many impulses that gets bigger with the ages. Things start to get frustrated because we teach children how to not express themselves. We give them rules but we forget to leave them space to be themselves, at the school we give bigger grades to the pupil who say exactly what is written in the book and not on the creativity of the child… we say to them no when we do yes. Many times parents do not even ask the child what they want to make when they get old or they do not have the knowledge that the child is already coming from the future with many gifts and ways to fully live their own dream and beauty. We show them differences in all levels of society and some times we call them stupids. We have a full grown up that have inside many voices but without being able to recognize the one of his own being. All these beliefs are creating a personality which is based in f.e.a.r ( false evidence appearing real) that are not reflecting who they really are deep inside. When is time to make a decision is not in base of their highest joy but in base on economy or parents aspirations, lovers aspirations…friend..religion or “race” based. And this reflects deep in his own actions which will not give him fulfilling life joggling around between what others will believe about anything. Pffff so backbreaking :).

All these fragmented believes teach us how not to act actually. All these fragmented beliefs as difference between races, society levels as poor and rich…and giving more privileges to a part then the other…all these make a child get lost and by time even trying till death to reach at a status of a COPY. All fragmented beliefs make us act fragmented and superficial. As we know the food is good, we need nutrients..everybody can say yes to this, but now we have many beliefs as meat has protein and milk also and we NEED them … as well the vegetarian say the eggs and cheese and milk and vegetables are the best to eat…and also vegans or raw vegans … frutarians and mono diets gurus. So here we have so many beliefs that something is better then the other and who should one believe? If one is raised in a meat eaters family will be difficult to recognize that the meat is not that healthy and the vegetarian will not see that the egg and milk are bad as the vegan say …but even the raw vegan is not right by the point of knowledge of the frutarian. One learn what the parents learn from their parents .. and one might grow up as a christian or catholic and might have an idea about money inside the religious group as the rich never gets inside Heaven and outside the church all the family is running all day long after money…guiding the child to have the best paid carrier or even to find a girl or boy to marry from a “good family”. After that is wrong to think about someone or to fantasy about her/her … so the mind slowly but shortly gets inside the schizofrenia..everybody wants to be someone else acting like other and feeling like shit. We struggle to make more, we talk about organization .. good deeds and happiness but is already something that other people lived and suggested to us as fulfillment…most of the people strive all life to reach a goal that is not even their..never was.

This can stop only when you are in the One. The One Belief which helps the Ego self integrate in the Higher Self that you are. The fragmented beliefs creates short circuit in our system and not allowing the energy to flow in our system. Fragmented beliefs make us feel bored and not pay attention to anything, make us feel sure about only superficial information – beautiful & ugly, stupid & smart … rich and poor but only based on want we HAVE BEEN TOLD and not from direct experience. For example is being told that rich people are mean and have expensive tastes and do not care, or they might steel and cheat people …and from religious point of view they will never do to Heaven :))). By my experience I have met rich people very humble, I have met rich people who had a pleasure to help people I have rich people with much more heart then a priest and for sure already in Heaven. But as many say the thieves are bad, the crooks and the gamblers are mean mean people without heart also a wrong idea … because nobody listen the other ..everybody is closed in their world. And nobody want to understand…but we need to if you want a better world. Maybe they are steeling and robbing because they do not have nothing to eat …maybe they have been told lies to do so, maybe they were miss guided by a ignorant person. For sure nothing is doing something “wrong” being aware of all that implies in that action. If one would be aware of all that implies any action “good or bad” they would just smile and do ONLY “good” deeds. All we do as much and as better as we can .. from what we learned and most of all from want we need to do in order to survive. But will come a day when everybody will know that there is not death at all and this experience will end ONLY when you decide to. You are unstoppable, infinite …shinning, divine … you can stop only when you stop!

In One we are knowing that we are not that small…we are not alone and even that at the beginning it does not feel that real this feeling as you already are a master of negativity … just rely in this Oneness and remember that this Oneness is the same one who created you in the womb of your mother and took care of you for 9 months and gave you birth giving you new experiences outside the womb. Is the same One only that we believe we know so much but remember that only the ignorance know and from ignorance we say we do not know. As I see it comparing these 2 way of living life internally is like this … fragmented beliefs give you struggle, comparison and maybe conflicts between definitions in believing in yourself and what you can do in and with your life. Instead the One belief is remembering first that You Are .. I AM before I am Daniel – Daniel is just a reflection of mine. And now we move at the fact that EVERYTHING IS …every cell and atom says : I AM! I AM vibrating with EVERYTHING! Everything is vibrating I AM! From this we connect to a much grater power…we are not alone and everything we desire will get fulfilled … maybe at the beginning everything we need we get fulfilled and after you tune in and align yourEgo self with your Higher self you will know who and what you came here to BE and DO. You will uncover your Birth Gift and spread it all over the World.

And now settle yourself in meditation each day for as much as make you feel comfortable and remember inside that you are one with everything and everything is One with you. Get notice of all your gifts in life .. from breath to food, bad, house…air…find find find. … find as many things that you appreciate and you want to give thanks for.. If you say that you do not have that many imagine how will be to not having what you own. Give thank for your body, health …friends and family. Freedom …everything is a gift and everything is One with everything. You are a gift so act like it! 🙂

The “Continuous affirmations”

Hello guys and nice to be back here. I want to share some insights today with you regarding the “continuous affirmations” as I call them. Why I call them this way? Well because in our path of evolution we discover and understand finally that we are doing affirmations all time long, yes? we keep in our mind that our thoughts and our emotions attract the same … you judge – someone will bother and judge you! … in a sense if you are master of negativity you will meet more of the negativity to “master”. And many people…I would say almost all of them are masters in negativity and creating bad karma and living it daily being sure that is the best way and the only way… this is wrong! Every day is a new day and is not the same as yesterday … nothing is the same and being like this means that there is no “the only way”. You limit yourself by setting barriers.

In this path, as we said .. we discover things that make us feel good, rise in vibration. We get some information that make us understand ourselves better. In this case the affirmations that we use everyday to change our subconscious part of mind, to reprogram ourselves in order to have a  fulfilling life. We make these conscious affirmations and during day we have these “continuous affirmations” that I specified in the beginning. These are all the voices of our parents, society, media .. all the “friends & enemies” from our life. Usually these voices are very violent and treat us very bad, but just because you allow them to be. You can ignore them in the same way you can close the door in the face of a rude door seller. You will still hear the door seller on the back of the door and maybe he will even call a couple of times. You are just still in knowing that you don’t want the see his face again :))). The same with “continuous affirmations” … but I may say that these need to have practice …this need meditation in order for you to see these “continuous affirmations” and remove them only by observing the and reject them. It needs a deep intention coming from your deepest core. It needs to vibrate so ruff inside your being these urge to change your life in the way you feel it the right way. We need to hunt these old voices, old beliefs set inside our being by people who may or may not know what they were doing at that time. Maybe persons as family tried to teach us and show us the best they know…but is not the best way almost in the 100% from the cases. every child comes from the for the parents and world POINT OF VIEW they come from the Infinite ..from the future. If we guide them and not teach them in the end they will teach us more and more.

So do your affirmations every day..every moment if you can and in the moment you catch yourself in the voice of the old beliefs – in the continuous affirmation cycle – thrill yourself in joy because you observed an old belief and can remove it. Remember that all is going better and better!

After a while of hunting these old voices, the fragments that you decided to take them as granted in order to make people feel good or please them, after a while they will slowly vanish and you will find yourself dwelling in your new program. The actual secret is to know what you want, make a lot of visual creativity and affirmations and leave it..dwell in joy and in the moment of your life. This joy and gratefulness for what you have will drive you to your living dreams. And if you say that “for what to be grateful for?” take a look around and see everything that is making your life better and if you still say negative crap I will say that you are a very wealthy person being alive..breathing this air, drinking the water, feeling the emotions…this is your gift and by seeing it you will make it bigger and bigger. Transform you continuous crappy affirmation in pure happy affirmations…

And remember if you chose any label chose “Happy”. Namaste everybody!

What we are doing when we visualize?

That is a nice question and a good point to start as a young kid at the beginning of life. As Einstein said Imagination is the most important tool that we have. We are imagination and everything else…imagination makes everything to move and to transform, our continuous interactions..aspirations. We are all linked by The Original Substance that is All Thant It Is. This is why there is nobody else there with you when you close your eyes because all the people when they close their eyes they close their 2 material ones and they instinctively open the 3rd one… As I like to say, when I open my material eyes I becomes We and when I close my eyes We becomes Me. I Am That We Are! We Are That I Am! Meaning that when we close our eyes we tap straight in to the Infinite Creation Substance that created all that it is. As we think what we need, wish or want we create a sort of mental movie in which we create the action of that what we need or want or wish. Is exactly the same when we want to imprint something on a A2 piece of paper. We first need to pick exactly what we need for the machine to print and shoot out. If we do not take care for all the small details before the imprint we will not have good results and we will not be pleased. The same with our thoughts and visualizations, we must focus on what we want and what we desire to fulfill. Never hope and get scared and visualize weird situation, this for sure will set you there. People have developed a such high level of mastery the limitation that they are not observing the patterns and beliefs they are in. Every one should realize that when they are simply against something and reject it without having the minimum time to consider it this means that they are deep in the negative mastery.

This place of yours where you visualize is the main core of existence and where everything is possible and visualizing something that make you happy and fulfills your development and self knowledge is like preparing the paper to get out from the printer. Be sure that will get out, but unlike the printer, the Original Substance will give u what u need without worrying of new inks, electricity .. you just need to be 100% sure aka Faith in what you want and what you are. You already started the process by stepping deep inside you and saying to yourself what are your plannings. Believe in the process and will come faster whatever you desire. Remember, the way to have it much faster in your life whatever you want to manifest it needs to help you develop you greatest skills and one day express your full beingness that you are…if is a wish it must include more people who could enjoy it..this Universe, this world is about sharing everything is for everybody … something else will make you dull and will make you lose yourself in details and confuse your present state.

“Mind is the master power that molds and makes and man is mind, And everymore he take the tool of thought and shaping what he will, He brings about a thousand blessing or a thousand ills. We think in secret and it comes to pass, our environment is but our looking glass” by James Allen. – beautiful said and what it means is that our mind is the one that creates our so called reality. “..that molds and makes/…and man is mind.” We think before we need to eat by the help of our body that sends signals to our conscious mind and our subconscious mind reacts instantly with some “advices” on what you should do regarding to this signal almost instantly without you having to spend too much time. And now depend on what you have deposited in your subconscious mind as being food…you may have good references from all that was your environment or just react to all that people and society said was good. Then you get the image on what you would like … for example of my self a big bowl with water melon. Maybe I buy it or I already have it in my fridge but I take action…my mind molds the image in to the reality. And finally I eat it and everything that I ate becomes Me…as Buddha said: You are what you think you are! What I want to point here is that our mind it molds and creates and you take action, ok? but it take in base of its background .. and there are many beliefs which in many people contradicts with one another. That is why is not happening and this is why why are not even lunch the racket of the desire that we shoot it down by all the deposit on beliefs that we have stored. Just realize that you are that proof that you are deserving everything that you can see with your eyes…just look in to the mirror and say to you that You Are Wordy!! nobody will say it to you…some…but you MUST say it to yourself until it gets so LOUD inside your mind that nothing else can shout it down..NOBODY! get rid of all negative beliefs that make you feel guilty and provoke shame in you. Accept that you are not the only one who makes mistakes .. and just decide you will make the best from anything. You are already better by feeling guilt or by feeling this you already admitted that was not good for you and everyone around you and more important by already feeling this low vibration emotions you already DECIDED that you want to be higher, better and more beautiful. Accept that and move on! Smile now and breath ..deeeeeep and slow a couple of times until your integrate this. And now be grateful for this magnificent tool and gift..your mind! Your mind IS your body but your mind is not You…you are the one that experience everything..that is why we feel. Now feel that…feel how you experience now in this moment touch, by sight, by hearing .. by tasting. You can do whatever you want joyously and in this way you will be gentle all the time and never hurt someone. Never! maybe you will smile to them, dance with them .. but never doing them wrong. Now you can tap in inside yourself and imprint whatever you want, this magic experience called Life…imprint – visualize- and then give thanks then mind your own business. Have fun and never worry because you are the Original Infinite Creator Substance that creates all that there is and is the one and only one who experience all. Trust trusting you!

I will share with you a video of Bob Proctors seminars in which he explain the function of the mind and how we can “get action” in both ways. Inside and out. Tell me your opinion 😉

Diet vs way of life

As always I start by saying that this blog is meant to inspire the one who reads it thru my choices … is not meant to be the one and only way or the way! Everybody searches happiness and well being as a sort of continuous feeling of joy in everything we experience in daily life.. beautiful. Many people “take diets” meaning that they want to keep it for a while and take again the old habits after they reach the goal..if they do not stumble along the way 🙂 As I told before my choices where graduate without realizing that I will get to be a “vegan or vegetarian”. I just wanted to be well and get the best information from outside and experience it and then take the decision. This pushed me to reach the social status of “vegan, raw vegan maybe vegetarian” because sometimes I eat goat cheese … I felt on my body the causes of the food I was taking and by everything else that is chemical in the society. I took everything that was recommended and at a point I saw that were not driving me in the right direction. Problem with leaver, headaches and reaching to get the information that the moods were affected also. This is the dead food. We cannot eat “well” a time to have a shape and then again eat everything…we shock our body and get actually more fat by time because of the survival program of the body.

We need to adopt a way of life…to have the decision deep seeded inside and surround ourselves with all that pushes us to integrate all the values of what we want to be. A way of life always guided by the new information about the road we get on. Inform yourself first about the ingredients you see on the labels of the product you buy. See what meat does to your body, diaries product .. all animal products .. dead food. This is very low vibration food ..the life has stopped inside and everything there is less then second hand. It takes more to your body to digest it ( split it in special parts depending on what the body needs) and looses more than he takes. Inform yourself and keep a decision until you take the next good, high vibration decision 🙂

I adopted a way of life 3 years ago when I said I do not want to consume anymore animal products. But what is more important is that I made a decision, I directed myself in a direction in which I felt that is better for me. From that point I started to gather more and more information regarding my “new way of life”. I decided to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, seeds and cereals and as so cold super foods. I both a blender and a kitchen robot. Man I can say that was amazing! I felt so fresh and clean, so light and full of enthusiasm and everything I did. I was running without a wish to stop…making cross training for 1h and then training in gym for another hour. Was not a surprise that I was training so much but the way I felt during the trainings, during the runs and even during the day at the work office and with friends.

Something changes when you take “a way of life” … is like when you are in deep forest and you pass to a cross road and one in driving you down to forest where is dark and cold and the other drives you next to the forest where the Sun is shinning and you have a beautiful river on your side. You can even “take advantage” then of the forest because you can hear the beautiful sign of the birds and take shelter inside if needed. Each decision brings some images with it and a feeling. Take a moment each time and “taste” the feeling of the decision you wanna take…ask yourself and inform! Digest the decision! It may feel really good.

I just found a video regarding goals …he says that if you do not focus on the goals ( and here could be for example to be a vegan) and you focus on your own behaviors, try to get better by choice. Even that in my point of view at a point he contradicts himself because he says that he was thinking only on being with the girl. Anyway in your mind should be only being better. Get the best from everything.

The path of happiness…

I have a good day as every day..but some days have a ..not that high vibration. Who knows why but I learn over the time that has passed over my shoulders that some experiences are cover in a kind of contrast..what I mean with contrast? Well I mean that even that you have so many things to be satisfied there is something which is making you feel low. I learn that if I stay still and at least try to enjoy every moment that life gives me, even that I not that enthusiast as other days, magical moments begins. I still “fight” sometimes with my moods…as the mind does – each time its experience something new and beautiful – it wants to live over and over again that “new” feeling and experience. I know that the Universe, Source, Great Spirit or Grandfather is watching me and supporting me in every way that I can even imagine many of them. I know from experience that is not such thing as hell…I’ve been there and I met a lot of beautiful people, good people that cover themselves with layers of concepts that makes them “trouble makers”. I met in my life all kind of people..all kinds and in what I believed was a hell was actually my initiation on the path of happiness or truth. I met angels disguised in humans and I had the luck to have a big library full of books. Many ears I just read and sport .. supporting my self in my road but others too. I always liked to meet new I made many friends and I learn a lot of things in my road to hell.

I came out with friend and a beautiful knowledge, even that I was not that aware of all that I am…I just meditate and say my sport and be eager to learn more about selfknowledge. You can choose many roads to happiness but with the time I discovered that the only path is the inner path. In my journey of pursuing the happiness (and as many time in the form of many or any type of wealth and all type of imaginary luxuries stuff, sex drugs and music) I pushed my limits at max and somehow I stopped and I closed my eyes wanting to make somehow everything stop. I observed how people react and how they were talking other or especially with the loved ones and I did not wanted to act like that … people are not responsible for my happiness or my problems. Somehow I believe I switched the way …I made it stop that material pursuit and it ups and downs closing my eyes and watching all the thoughts passing by. I didn’t wanted anything else just to be calm and not blaming or judging someone.

I started to meditate 6 or 7 years ago..slowly without even having an idea about meditation. After a while I read some things in some books and then more..and more. All that I was reading was resonating so strong in my chest, I was dwelling in all those lectures and deep inside I said : I am that! I do not know why people want to meditate but I wanted that me to stop, consciously or unconsciously. And beauty started to reveal bit by bit … as the masters said: We can wake up in 30 days but only if you have 30 people holding you tight to not fly away. We need drops of pure consciousness, drops of awareness until we can handle to ride with the Wave 🙂 What I mean is that even when we sit and we dwell in pure silence, maybe the mind could say “this is nonsense” or “nothing is happening” but as master Sri Nissargadatta said : “were you aware of your birth in the time of it? where were you before of that?” When we sit in meditation the mind search to find something to deserve that “time spent” doing nothing..and maybe we reach the satori 🙂

While ago ..some weeks I had a sort of revelation. I observed that the journey of happiness starts as Lao Tzu said : The road of 10 000 steps starts beneath our feet. I saw how in order to be truly happy we need to walk backwards and walking backward you can do it only by meditation. We are all born fulfilled, sacred being All that I am being aware of all that you are. The Universe has a special and unique position when you are born and it has a special song inside it..special vibration Everywhere that only you can hear it and translate it in magic for all around you. I felt that..I heard that! We are born perfect and in pure joy and happiness…but we are unaware of all this bliss ..we just are! And the journey begins. You are meant to loose yourself in all this are allowed to experience yourself in every way and get lost. And some of us were and still are. But as much as we get lost in this concept of life that much we need to stop and get back to 0 point where our true happiness waits for us.

I felt that through meditation we travel backward dissolving all blockages and negative beliefs. The path will give you what you need when you need. You just need to close your eyes and dwell in your beingness…In your I am and feeling your body…watching your beautiful breath… Keep doing it..I’ll be back soon! 🙂

Below is a link with many books ..just search it! 🙂

What I mean?

2Healthy-diet-protein-shakes-fruits-and-sport-and-fitnessThese posts are not meant to say that what I write here is the one and only way to have a healthy & wealthy life. These values or concepts depends on the beliefs that each and everyone of us sustain deep in their mind. And the beliefs really works like a catalyst for our everyday joy. I just want to share my points of view gained all through out self education as reading about health such as The Tao of the health, happiness and long life, China study and many more studies done by well know universities around the world, great human beings such as Deepak Chopra or many many more that I carry them in my heart because we will fill space in this posts just to give them the homage that they deserve. Any way many of my post will be inspired from these great masters of life but also I will share with you my unique view and direct experience to help you integrate a better self in your present moment. First of all I want you to leave behind all labels & images with the ideal of how you should look, act…eat or speak even. I want you to focus ONLY in being a better and healthier human being. A better Daniel how I decided to be at the my cross road..I decided to fill all my time with things that help me grow and understand myself better. I focused primarily in sport but I was eating many unhealthy food. I use to eat a lot of sweets back then and it took a while until I quit smoking. I use to smoke 3 packs a day but doing sport and stuff until I did it … I focused all my time in sport and food..plenty of food even dough by doing readings and having daily meditation I started to be more aware of what I was putting inside my self. Without having an idea where my aware choices will drive me I started with eating only chicken, fish, eggs and a lot of fruits and vegetables. All the choices led me to more and more awareness just because I was willing to be a better me..I never decided to BE SOMETHING or SOMEONE…I took the idea which was received thru various ways and implemented in my life. After I experienced the idea, the information received I decided to keep it or in other cases to remove it. We need to know that not all good ideas or good vibration ideas are well for us … and what I mean is that we need to adapt to be IT! Like a goal in sport, you want to look good and be healthy but you need to move in that direction, don’t you? And how we do that? Well by making exercises, push ups and pull running and jumping, going everyday to gym. And one day you will get you goal but you will realize that YOU ARE that goal, don’t you? Who is the one who is feeling are! not me not the ideal not no one..just you!

Decide today to be a better you…affirm like we read in the Affirmation part. I reflect everyday a better self, a greater self. I take everyday good decisions that change my life in a better way of feeling and experiencing life, in expressing joy and gratitude in every action I make. Almost 3 years ago I decided to eat only fruits and vegetables, seeds and cereals and no processed food. I knew that that meant to be a vegan … and being a spring time I eat a lot of raw fruit and veggies, many shakes and fresh juices. I heard that this means Raw vegan. I was happy seeing that many people follow this way of life but I also saw a lot of opposition from behalf of people with different view regarding health and well being. I had a big flash a couple of month ago when I realized that I am not a vegan, I am not a vegetarian or whatever name or picture they want to attach to my way of living life. I am who I am and my willing to be a better person define me each moment. Each moment with the desire to have more knowledge and awareness about how can I get healthier and happier. Don’t be a vegan be a kind of person that want to be healthy and more wise and this will drive you to a way of life that will suit to your needs, to your body and with your plan in this life. Choose to inform yourself by searching on internet…you have so much information that you can build your own house from so many materials to chose from. Is amazing how can an idea change your life…and we all need to be careful with what we eat and drink because, how we will find out post by post, we are what we eat and more then 70% what we drink!

I will share with you a audio book from the great man Deepak Chopra which changed my life with his wonderful way of blending the science perspective with the spiritual teachings. For me each word was a magical revelation filled with so much faith in my power and feeling that there is something much more in this life than what is it showing to us. I hope you will have a nice time and please let me know what you think about.

I will share with you, post by post, the very link between diet ( and by diet I mean a way of life because we need to live it all time) and sport. We become what we eat, our body take whatever we put inside us and he tries to build the future you..the future body so we must be very aware of what we are doing..we eat to live or we eat to die. I want to point out that these all categories need to be linked between, what I mean is for example: when you make sport you need to visualize the group you work as it works and how it transforms in what you want. Dream about the best you! Love the results! Is like a inside play in which you accept what it is, love what it is and have deep faith in what it will be according to your dreams. Have a nice time .. to be continued…
